199 Marine Drive.Ramsgate .South Coast.KZN
GPS Coordiantes: 30°52’25.2″S 30°21’43.8″E
We are conveniently situated in Ramsgate, a short drive from Margate and other popular places like Manaba, Uvongo, Shelly Beach, St Michael’s on Sea, Southbroom, Port Edward and more.
DIRECTIONS: From Jhb take N3 South to Durban. Near Durban, just after Pavilion shopping Centre on right, stick to left lane and take South Coast/N2 road. Go past Port Shepstone and thru toll gate. Take Ramsgate/Margate turn off (not turn off before which says Margate). Turn left at off ramp continue down the road until you get to a T-Junction – turn left. Pass Spar on left and +- 1km down road sign will say Marine Drive. Turn right into Marine Dr and Surf and Sand is +- 1km on left hand-side, just after La Capannina Restaurant.